

The monitor-server requires uwsgi to be served in a production environment.

Launching the server

The server ships with a small utility script to help you launch the server and customize as much as possible the different aspects of the run. The script, named (Linux/Unix only) is accessible once the monitor-server-api is installed.

If you are in a hurry, just type the following in your favorite terminal (we use conda for managing the environment):

$ conda create -n monitor-server -c monitor-server-api
$ conda run -n monitor-server

Running the above snippet will result in a server:

  • running on port 8181.

  • using a SQLLite database under the current working directory.

  • running without security layer, meaning that it will be accessible through HTTP.

  • using 4 workers.

  • running using production configuration


A word about environments

The server is shipped with builtin configuration. Each configuration is intended to provide default values in order to address a specific environment. Thus, two main environments can be identified:

  • The development environment

  • The production environment

Depending on the environment you want to address, the monitor-server needs instructions to setup appropriate default values for the requested environment. This is achieved by setting the environment variable MONITOR_SERVER_ENV. This environment variable’s value is not case-sensitive.

Requested environment

Possible values



prod, production



dev, devel, development

Changing the server’s port

The server port default to 8181. However, this can be customized via the launch script using the -p option:

$ # Launch monitor-server on port 9090
$ conda run -n monitor-server -p 9090

If you wish to change the default port while running in development mode, please consult the flask documentation.


Default schema used by the server is http. Obviously, you can choose to use https. For that, you will need to instruct the MONITOR_SERVER_CERTIFICATE string to input paths to your certificates.

$ export MONITOR_SERVER_CERTIFICATE="/etc/certs/host.cert.pki,/etc/certs/host.cert.pem"
$ conda run -n monitor-server

Mapping the database

Monitor servers provides an embedded SQLite datebase by default. You may change it’s location or switch to a PosgreSQL RDBMS, strongly recommended for production environment. This may be changed through MONITOR_SERVER_DATABASE_URI environment variable:

  • for sqlite: sqlite:///<path>

  • for postgres: postgre:///<url>

Other possible customization

The launch script also support the following variable to help you customize the setup:

Environment variable

Default value




Numbers of parallel workers



Path where to write the server logs