
Extending Metrics with Sessions information


Read all metrics of a session identifier (SID) and export to pandas Dataframe indexed on the session run date. We want to restrict the export with the following entries:

  • item name,

  • item variant,

  • memory usage,

  • run date

  • source code reference.

from monitor_api import Monitor, Sessions, Field, Metrics
from datetime import datetime

SID = '3bb11505e8cb7354fe0af2221c8f6db560fbb2de'
URL = ''
mon = Monitor(URL)

sessions = Sessions()
sessions[SID] = mon.get_session(SID)
metrics = mon.list_session_metrics(SID)

df = metrics.to_df(session, keep=FIELDS).set_index(Field.RUN_DATE, inplace=True)

Collecting Sessions with specific tags


During your monitoring phase, you positioned a description tag named ‘my_tag’ and another tag called ‘numpy’ which contains the numpy version. You want to read all sessions from the remote servers that:

  • has the tag ‘my_tag’ set.

  • then restrict all sessions known by the server to the ones having tags ‘numpy’ positioned to “118” and ‘my_tag’ to any value.

from monitor_api import Monitor, Session

URL = ''
mon = Monitor(URL)

sessions_with_my_tag = mon.list_sessions(with_tags=['my_tag'])
sessions_with_my_tag_and_numpy_118 = mon.list_sessions(with_tags=['my_tag'],

Implement a custom validator


You want to read all sessions referenced by the server, but you do not want sessions before a given reference date which are useless for your analysis.

from monitor_api import Monitor, Session
from datetime import datetime

URL = ''
REF_DATE = datetime(2021, 1, 1)

def check_date_after_REF_DATE(data: Session) -> Boolean:
    return data.start_date > REF_DATE

mon = Monitor(URL)
all_sessions = mon.list_sessions()
sessions_after_REF_DATE = all_sessions.filter_with(check_date_after_REF_DATE)

Retrieve metrics from last 3 build of a pipeline


Running a pipeline ‘master’ with incremental build number. You want metrics from last 3 builds of this pipeline concerning the test function ‘test_that’ for which there is no parametrization.

from monitor_api import Monitor, Metrics, Sessions

URL = ''
PIPELINE = 'master'

def keep_only_test_that(m):
    return m.item == 'test_that'

mon = Monitor(URL)
last_3_builds = sorted(mon.list_pipeline_builds(PIPELINE), reverse=True)[:-3]
metrics = Metrics()
for build in last_3_builds:
    sessions = mon.list_build_sessions(PIPELINE, build)
    for session_id in sessions:
        m = mon.list_session_metrics(session_id).filter_with(keep_only_test_that)
        metrics = metrics.merge(m)